Andy T Comes out of the Closet!

by Spleen

About an hour after my Kallin interview, I'm checking the bank, doing my sheriff duties, when I see our beloved Andy T at the bank, doing what DoA does best. I know what you're thinking, "they die best!". No, thats not entirely true. The one thing they do better than take dirtnaps is stand around the bank sparring and looking tuff.

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Who else, but Andy T, would say "scill"? The C key is nowhere near the K key, he's just that stupid. I'm the guy next to him, grey and incognitoed, hoping he would get tuff. Since I just killed his pal Stew like that, his guild buddies all started screaming "THAT IS SPLEEN THAT IS SPLEEN". He still didn't get it. He stood there in combat mode and confusion, until I popped back to Spleen. Then he recognized me. "oh i spleen"

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The other guy, saying "hey spleen" is a guy named excavater. What does he excavate? shit? That's a pretty gay name, I'll call him asscavater from now on.

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You can see me say "so you wanna hit the swamps?" thinking we could go on an adventure, but WHOA! Andy T has something besides adventure on his mind! He wants a hug! Sorry, I don't go that way Andy T...

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What's that look on asscavaters face? I've seen that look before, when Salina sees me hitting on jap chicks.  jealousy!! asscavater must have a serious attachment to Andy T. He doesn't like his man huggin on me. I can only wonder what the 3 of them (Andy T, asscavater, and Stew) were doing when I showed up and ended the party by killing Stew.

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"oh stop it"

Could that be any more feminine? Say that to yourself in Big Gay Al's voice. Definite homo material here. Andy T! I never would have suspected you! That's right guys, Andy T is an eligible bachelor!!! Some of you better sexx0r him. Who is up for the job? Mand? PharismoD?

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Stew shows back up, and I must say, he fits in VERY WELL with Andy T and asscavater. We've all heard "recall ruin", most retards call them ruins, but "ruene"??? Damn, it's not THAT hard to spell! Right after this, he said "ruin i mean" Sorry stew, 3 strikes, you're out. Get back on the short bus fucker.