A moment with Andy T : Up Close and Personal

by Spleen

WARNING : THERE ARE A MILLION PICS ON THIS PAGE (84). Unless you're a cable homo, you will probably have to come back and refresh every few minutes, as alot of the pics will time out.

It's a shame not everyone knows Andy T like I know him. Wheez saw screenshots of mine, but he couldn't properly grasp just what a dumbass this guy was, until he started fucking with him, and talking to him. Wheezl will never be the same. Tonight Arkaine asked me just HOW dumb Andy T was. My answer : If Boar and Nickodumbass were to spawn a child, that child would be Andy T. All the bullshit, lies,   and bravado of Boar, all the sheer stupidity and childishness of Nickodumbass. Arkaine started crying at that thought, and he may never stop. I've had plenty of run-ins with him, that I've never really posted about. Before I begin this lengthy interview with the legend, I will go over some previously unreleased pictoral history.

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Background here : I got on my thief, stealth-followed these dumbasses to their boat, stole the key, deeded it. They aren't happy. Andy T is gonna straighten me out. He's gonna shot my ass right here in guards.

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But no, he's not stuped, he knows not to attack me blue in town. He's SMART!

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Here's a little post-dirtnap andy, with his healer friend Zovak nearby. Valiant warrior my ass, he's a waste of cells.

Part 1 : Enter the Swamp Master

I encounter Andy T in the blacksmith. He was selling loot from some GRAND ADVENTURE I'm sure. That, or seeing how many bucks he can get for these 2 gnarled staffs that some jap dropped at the bank. YOW! 13g each! That's free money baby! Andy T was in a good mood. Andy T LOVES swamps. Don't ask me why, he just does. Nothing makes him happier than wandering around a swamp trying to find one tiny creature to kill. This kinda makes me think he's some retarded backwater cajun. They are scary people.

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Maybe some of you won't believe me, but this has been his char info for upwards of six months! I remember seeing it after my first run-in with him, thinking "jesus this guy is stupid, I bet he's got a great char info!" Sure enough. Look how he is dressed. Jesus he is a bad ass!

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I figure I'll buddy up to Andy T, and shit, maybe go on this swamp trip he's been wanting to do for a couple months. I think I startled him. "haY! ... k"

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He says "depends". I can only hope he's not talking about what he just crapped in, but nothing would suprise me here.

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Okay ... 3 swamps ... "one on the to brit", one north of trinsic, and ....... we may never know the third. Personally I didn't know there were that many swamps. Who the fuck would be all excited to goto a goddamn SWAMP where nothing spawns??? He ignores my "man of the swamps" comment, or maybe I was asking questions to fast, and he had forgotten it by the time it dissapeared from above my head... but we all know it's true.

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I asked what we would find in our swamp hunt. "maybey orcs"... I'm not exactly a swamp authority, but I've never run into an orc in a swamp. Slimes and ratmen!!! Jesus Christ that sounds fun, where do I sign???   "and swap tentical" ..... I think he forgot the word "hentai"? Yeah that makes more sense. "we would kill slimes and ratmen, and swap tentical hentai".

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I wasn't sure what he meant by this, and I'm so used to dumbasses immediatly asking for my A/S/L, that I assumed that is what he meant.

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He says "what?" and keeps on rolling. I was in shock he didn't know what A/S/L was about, so I said it real loud and clear. How could this guy have blossomed into this extreme dumbassness, and not been some kind of gay chatroom regular somewhere in his career? "what?" he says again... I WAS IN AWE. I figured he would immediately respond with something like "14/m/australia ... u?"

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I was tired of being nice to him, and I had been wanting to ask this question all along. I knew he wouldn't be able to spell 'swords'. Sure enough, cha-ching! he doesn't even get close. Even adds a space to swordsman for some extra points.

Part 2 : OK Spleen it isn't fun anymore

Enough being nice, lets run a stick across his bars...

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He tells me "i am adapt" talking about his swordsmanship skill. He's been playing for many months. "you sure suck" was quite appropriate.

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This is really fucking sad, when you think about it. I tell him he sucks, he immediately responds with "shut up. this is my bad arrmor". I guess in Andy T's warped world armor is a sign of how much you do or don't suck? If that's the case I REALLY suck, I haven't worn visible armor in months. Would anyone think he DIDN'T suck if he was standing here in nice blue armor?

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... he continues ... he has 'full set gm valarie'. I wonder if shes good looking? or verite. He can't remember. Which one is it? Sit back and think how pathetic this is. I tell him he sucks, he tells me he has 'full set gm valorie, or verite'... one of the two...

Part 3 : ur such a dik, spleen, im leeving

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Now that's just MEAN Spleen, have you no decency?

Part 4 : Hey friend, wanna goto a dungeon?

I catch up to him on his way to the bank. We're still pals!

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Forgetting all earlier insults, we're still on for the swamp hunt! Or we could goto a 'dungen'!

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Of course we still have a date, Andy T!!!

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I should have known he would have a spectacularly stupid bank macro. And here it is! I know you're all dying to make a bank macro like this, well what's stopping ya??? Get to it! "vendor buy the guards a bottle of ale so i can rob the bank" ownage. Two completely seperate thoughts. "vendor please put me out of my misery" would be a good macro for him. But hey, it's a good macro, and we're adventuring friends, after all.


Or maybe we aren't friends? Andy T gets MAD!

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I still wonder wtf he was thinking... Lets have a miniature J00 MAKE THE CALL!   Was Andy T thinking :



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hahahahaha "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS PLACE?" "its a dungeon" "i no"

Here he is again PROVING TO ME HOW STUPID HE ISN'T! He starts out threatening me, and it turns into a quiz for him?

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I can't help it, I'm .... sassy. He hates me...

Part 6 : So hey man, wanna hit t2a?

... or not? Maybe were buddies? He gives me another invite...

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I guess we still have a date, then! He has put the past aside, It's time to kill monsters and bond.


It's time to die jackass!!!

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I like how he says it all matter-of-fact. "we could goto t2a, or i could pk you with my other char" Sure, Andy T... I'm also pretty sure he doesn't have another fighter char, just a miner. Also of note, "he he no" hahahaahah Oh my GOD would I have loved for him to "pk me with his other char"... It would be like christmas all over again.

Part 8 : I love you spleen. You own me.

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He doesn't know what my chars are, he just knows his suck ass! Or maybe it's because I whack 5 of his guildmates at once with the same ease that I order a pizza. I like his homo sadface too. The extended nose multiplies the gayness by 10. I also like how a space was prudent in "bett er". And damn, I don't need to tell you, he has a SERIOUS then/than problem.

Part 9 : and I love you, Dark Lord, errrr Andy T.

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he he

Also note in the 3rd pic, he shot a couple FIREWORKS at me, I think he was trying to scare me off.

Part 10 : gules^...   ^.. 6.. ^^

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I didn't have the heart to tell him I could gate, nice excuse though! He's willing to walk to the swamps near britain and T2A Orc Fort, but that 40 second trot to Covetous from Minoc is harsh as hell. You could say he "changed his mined". I love his absolute inability to backspace over errors. He's trying to say "can't", hits V a few times an a backslash, finally just gives up and hits enter.

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I had to know how he made his fortune. Seems to me he's barely competent enough to just pick gold up off the ground. Aha! I shoulda guessed it. Delusion is funding this badass!

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Besides orcs, he kills lizmen. YOW! that one had 13g and a bottle of ale! This shows well how fucking slow he types. lizmen... and... "speak up" .....


he he

He hunts the udead gules... what a valiant warrior indeed!

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Look how many fucking tries it took him to make japeyes!!! JESUS CHRIST!! Hold down shift, hit 6 twice, hit enter. But he fucked that up!

Here is how he did it : hold shift, 6, enter, 6, enter, 6, enter, release shift, 6, enter, hold shift, 6, enter, 6, 6, enter... SWEET SUCCESS!!!

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I admit it, I couldn't possibly see him say "gules" enough, and it was fun to say it to him. This also answered a big question of mine. "How does he match up against japs that have had little or no experience with our language, when it comes to spelling "Delucia"?" Answer : hahahaha

Part 11 : We say our goodbyes, and he says hes not gay.

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"do you no i hate you" " for your smart remarcs" I love this man.

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Look at it closely, he obviously said that with enormous difficulty!! His palms all sweaty, his hands in fists, he resists the urge to hump my leg, and tells me "im      noy gay"

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"all love to my r33t.org pals" - Andy T