Bankin' with new.kye and friends!

by Spleen

new.kye. He is as stupid as they get. We all love him very much. I think Ely is actually IN LOVE with him, but I may be wrong. I had so many pics of he and his pals' antics from the other night that I just gave them their own page, instead of cluttering the main page.

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This first pic was taken before Prophet showed up that night, and right before I had killed Ark (yes, the tuff miner from the oresteal story! that was 2 days earlier!). Ark is there in the green clothes and orchelm. He looks like he's gonna attack a Wheez, but he never does. new.kye had just watched me wrestle that newbie miner a few minutes ago, and he senses Wheezl up to no good here, so he tells us "stop killed plople". This is actually the second time I've gotten a pic of him saying "plople". No doubt he thinks thats the right way to say it.

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I can't even count how many times he's told Wheez and I "your mother fucker!". Dozens. Trust me when I say we are deeply hurt each time, especially when they come in rapid succession.

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Here I am after I just rolled Ark, wearing his green outfit. His robe was newbied, so I was missing it for my complete collection. I asked him a few times to give it to me, and he wouldn't respond, or even act like he understood. He probably didn't. I keep saying GIVE ROBE, ROBE RELEASE, etc, and new.kye makes himself part of the conversation, asking what are I want. IT'S PRETTY FUCKING OBVIOUS!!     ROBE RELEASE!

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KAMI-YU shows up! He is that gangs fearless PvP jap who shows up to kill the FPKs. But now, there are 2 FPKs he won't fuck with! With him and new.kye there, Wheez and I both run off and get grey, thanking maybe one or both of them will attack. Of course, neither does.

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good!!glay!                                   No,Fuck spleen

BUT!!! new.kye notices our greyness, and while he won't do a goddamn thing about it directly, he will inform the entire bank that we are "glay"! He has his <words>!!!<words>! format going here too. He uses this format frequently. I'm sure many of you remember "very thx!!!item!" If only they would band together to fight us!!! The guy at the bank in the brown cape is Prophet, no doubt going through a huge sack of storebought plate trying to match a set. The OTHER guy in mismatched newbie armor, standing next to me, is Ark. He had this suit in the bank, and he GETS TUFF by putting it on. I thow his green shield on a trade window and ask "U ITEM?" about 3 times. He keeps cancelling the window immediately, and the third time says "No,Fuck spleen". I guess thats not his shield after all...

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I walk up to new.kye and say HI! he says 'hi' in return, but at the same time I say "Let'sSnooping!!" which apparently means something terrible to him because you can see him hauling ass away before his 'hi' even dissapears.

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your shud get out Minoc forever,Why?LoL

This brave soul shows up, and TELLS US WHATS UP! Gives us a directive, asks us why, and "Loughs out Loud" ALL IN THE SAME SENTENCE!! Amazing!

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We both respond. Wheezl just plain laughs at her, while I'm not even certain she was trying to communicate. She immediately unequips her bow, runs up to the bank, and recalls in embarrasment. No doubt she shamed her family for 10 generations and is going home to fast for a month. Prophet there is keeping an eye on us, should one of us leave the safety of guards while his bad ass is around. We do, of course... and, of course, he doesn't do jack shit.