Cave of Tears

by Spleen

Another fun thing to do, on ANY server, is what Wheez and I have dubbed "Cave of Tears". It's not done very often, because it requires at least 3 people, and unfortunately, can't be done anymore because of the last patch where you can't transfer summoned creatures. I suppose it could be done with a tame dragon, but that's pretty high stakes considering our daemons got guardkilled every now and then, so you would need a couple dragons depending on how long you wanted to do it, and let me tell you, the longer the better. Now there's a theory Wheez and I go by, developed from our immense minerkilling experience, that works like this : The longer you hole up in a miner cave molesting miners, the more, and the tougher, the "tuffguys" get. Tuffguys is a broad term. It includes 1) miners who run to the bank, throw on some armor, grab a weap, and come back for revenge, 2) miners other "tuffer" chars (we get alot of that, "IM COMIN BACK WITH MY MAGE CHAR AND U R DED"), 3) Their tuff, protective buddies, who get a teary-eyed ICQ and come to stand around and look forboding, 4) "Bank Tuffguys" who dont really know anyone, but hear the cries of "PK IN THE MINES" and want some action, and 5) Tuff Miners, that are NOT too proud to run around mining, but definitely dressed to kill.

Ingredients for 'Cave of Tears'

1 Mining cave, with an entrance thats blockable with one field spell (5 squares wide)

1 Dickhead summoning daemons (Me, in this case, wearing no hat, or the tall straw hat, in these pics)

1 Dickhead casting Energy Field at the entrance, whenever the shit hits the fan (Wheezl, pictured left, wearing a normal straw hat)

1 Dickhead on a trash char, prepared to take murder hits. (friend of ours with a char named 'a japanese tourist', wearing the orc helm)

MANY gay newbie miners.

Here we are starting the festivities, waiting until the cave is full of tasty newbies to kill. A daemon has been summoned, and transfered to the murdering char, a japanese tourist. It's waiting just offscreen. We're doing this for 2 reasons, 1) the sheer enjoyment of watching these miners spam japanese as they die to huge red daemons, and 2) all the TUFFGUYS that are sure to show up after we've been at this a half hour or so. In this pic, the cave is nice and stocked with miners, so Wheez busts out the energy field at the entrance, and I tell japanese tourist to 'get them all'. Very palpatine-esqe.

Here you see a few dead miners on the right side, and one struggling to escape, but blocked by Wheez's unforgiving energy field. We basically kick back and enjoy the show at this point, and let japanese tourist do the work. Wheez and I sometimes run in front of them, to bouncelag the miners, in case they are fast enough to avoid the daemon, thats what Wheez is doing in this pic. You have to know the guards in the area like a motherfuck, because thats right where the energy field needs to go, any farther, and the daemon and our murderer get guardkilled.

Here in the third pic, you can see some miner corpses strewn about in the background, (all 4, actually) and a japanese tourist calming the daemon down, waiting for the next batch of miners to spawn. Also notice here, that a crowd is beginning to form at the entrance, noone really tuff, but some miners gathered about, wishing some hero's would come help them out with these nasty, yet strangely clever, PKs. One japmage IS here, (pictured in white) but, she's an old victim of ours, and knows Wheez or I could wack her easily, without the daemons help.

This last pic shows the scene after a little less than an hour. Look at all the TUFFGUYS huddled together for security at the entrance. They are scared shitless to go any farther, not exactly knowing what's going on, just knowing that alot of people are dying in there. When one of them would get brave, and come in to investigate, Wheez would bust an energy field, and the curious jap would go bellyup as soon as a japanese tourist could get the daemon on him. In all our times doing this, only ONE jap was smart enough to teleport past the energy field, but they couldn't have been too bright, because they attacked a grey Wheez at the bank later that night, and dirtnapped accordingly. I've been collecting all the ore there at my feet, because I have a smith char that will smelt it, plus it's kinda an incentive for them to go back there for tasty loot. Wheez is shown here "chumming for japs" by dropping some tasty storebought loot on the ground at his feet. You can see the jap with the green hair wants that gorget with a PASSION. When they cross the line (assuming we think they have something worth bringing the daemon out) Wheez puts up the field, and they get mauled by the daemon. Life is good.