So you want to duel Wheezl?

by Spleen

I can't count how many times this has happened. Me, wheez, or both of us are at some bank, doing whatever, when some dipshit walks up and asks to duel Wheezl in broken english (and thats the AMERICANS!). There is one thing Wheez strives for in duels : unfairness. It doesn't matter if he can kill the guy in two swings, or if its a mad PvP jap that would make for a good duel, he want's that person to feel like Wheezl didn't play fair and to hate him that much more. I'm the same way. Maybe it's hard for some of you to understand, but look at it through our eyes. We want their spirit totally broken. Once I am called a cheater, their will is broken, and they have no other explanation for the domination. Someone wants to duel, we arrange so that it is done as unfairly as possible, gangbangs, invised daemons, whatever it takes. THEN they cry about what pussies we are, we can't fight fair, etc. So we duel again. Amazingly, something funny happens, and they die under mysterious circumstances. The best part is, they are thinking "WHAT A PUSSY, I CAN KILL THIS JACKASS IF HE WOULD JUST FIGHT FAIR!!!!" and they are HATING us right about then. So they bring friends, we roll all of them too. "JESUS CHRIST WHY CAN'T THAT PUSSY JUST FIGHT ME FAIR!!!" Then there always comes a day, when we run into them somewhere, they go bonzai on us, and we beat the piss out of them 1v1. TOTAL MENTAL DOMINATION. The only explanation left, is that we are complete cheaters. Believe me, there are HUNDREDS of people that have gone through this cycle, and REALLY believe I am using some crazy hack program, or a bugged char, or in Wheezls case, that he is a GM.

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Here is Fiend, she (later turns out to be a he, of course) "want duel... fair". The best thing about this, is Wheez always makes sure to accuse the other guy of planning exactly what we are planning! Like this fight, he said "let's go to the high cave, so none of your friends ambush me" knowing full well I was a screen away with a b00t ready to fly.

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Wheez sets the duel rules. Of COURSE they say no looting, and of COURSE we loot the shit out of them. We want the hate. Here she equips a magic war hammer saying "its nothing, just ruin"... Boy was she right, its nothing, because it wasn't even ruin! Just substantial +5 tac. LOL!

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They head off to the cave to duel...

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Evil Spreen has other plans ^^

Since Wheez is only one room away, communication is easy. I follow and lurk, with my explode already cast, I only await Wheezs verbal signal that the target is grey.


duelwheez5.jpg (43623 bytes) This really is a masterful pic, photography-wise. Notice Wheezls mad hammer coming down, while she rocks from an earlier blow, my mad casting stance, with the sparkles from the last heal around her mixing with the fire from my Explode.

This is what's funny. Fiend sucked SO BAD that she was almost dead in the four seconds it took me to show up!!! God forbid we have a fair duel. I KNOW Wheezl held back at the end, knowing how much funnier it would be if I got the killing blow. This pic is what I saw right when I got there, notice the nonexistant health, and panicky In Vas Mani's. I dropped my Explode on her, and had a Corp Por coming, but she didn't live long enough to get hit by my second spell.

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This is what those gay "multispell macros" mean to us. Ghostspam.

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With the ghost watching, it's always funny to talk about how shitty the loot is. Remember, we want the HATE!. I said "you loot the newbie, wheez" and he replies "no it's yours, you deserve it". The ghost spammed a bit at that point. I said "no, I insist" but he wouldn't budge. I said "ok, we take it to my place and put it in the trashcan, deal?" The ghost didnt like this, and I saw her sprint off before dissapearing.

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He was so right, how could we throw that outfit away?

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Since I had just whacked a well dressed jap only minutes ago, we suited up our PLETTYSUITS^^ and headed to town!

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Wheezl congratulates the loser.

with spankings...

while wearing her outfit...