Spleen attends a Guild Spar

by Spleen

On IPY there are literally hundreds of retarded loudmouth PvP "DUAL ME 1:1!!" fags. Since the latest red patch where they tried to discourage being murderers and let them all go back to zero murders, tons of them went into chaos/order guilds. Now we have to see them all the time and put up with them at banks everywhere. Two of the worst of these guilds are OPP, which I can only assume stands for something completely stupid as demonstrated by an OPP member here.

You know you are a faggot when your guild title involves
MC Hammer in a threatening or non-joking manner.

The other guild is B&B which I know stands for "Bad & Beautiful". So basically the same kinds of fags on both sides.

I see some chaos retard run north from Nujelm bank. What the hell is north of Nujelm bank? Nothing! So with the possibility that this jackass is up to no good, I followed him a bit. I come across a big mess of fags all casting bless and protection on themselves and eachother. (By the way, check out some of those names and guild titles - TriXta, Lord ReVeNgE, Houdini of Thugs)

I can't quite figure what they are up to, so I just start harassing them. Then it hits me, I bet there is another group of fags somewhere nearby doing the same shit, and we are about to have a FAIR guild vs guild fight! I run down a screen just in time to see the other team running up to meet them. What is the first thing I do?

Jump in the middle of it and start spamming! I am banking that one or more of them doesn't have notoquery on, so I do my best to mix it up with the DDDD's. Check out the warning from the one down below me!

Jackpot! I get one to attack me and down he goes! Houdini of Thugs no less, one of their more annoying members. So much for the "FAIR FIGHT 1:1 GUILD DUAL!!!" Since they were all busy fighting, I got to loot every damn thing he had. He had 3 or 4 different reg bags on him for some reason, totaling over 200 of each reg. Thanks, faggots! In the IPY IRC channel they bitched about how it was unfair and one team got crushed (6 to 0) because they lost a guy to a guardkill. They had to get all set up again and do it over. I couldn't find them that time.