HardChis Hard Lesson

by Spleen

I'm running around T2A trying to chase down some horseriding bulletproof PvP jap, when I see a guy picking lettuce in some gay field. I don't go that way, he must pay. His name? HardChi, his game? picking lettuce and busting heads. I turn into an orc and stroll by, thinking HardChi wants a piece of me... he doesn't. He calmly picks lettuce (FOR WHAT???) and ignores me. I turn up the heat a little, and slowly stumble towards HardChi in a threatening NPC-like manner. I see a buckler go on. "Heads will roll" he thinks to himself, probably in japanese. Katana on. HardChi is attacking you! Since it took him 35 minutes to recognize the orc threat, and attack, I unmorphed RIGHT as he attacked. "Hey! what do you know? its a jackass with a cool robe and a halberd!" he thinks, again in japanese.

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HardChi is hard, don't get me wrong, but hes a nice guy too. "sorry"...

Yes dipshit, I'm just out here practicing my magery. ^^

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I'm pretty mean, but I return the favor. "OK"... and walk about a screen away.

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I get my para up, walk up and smack him with it. He spins in place awhile, and I cancel my second one. Horsejap with no pouches! SO SOLLY (^ ^)/

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A triplehit later his health is looking a bit low. HardChi goes soft, and runs like a woman. I'm feeling sassy, and he probably didn't have much more than a shitload of lettuce, so I throw a lightning bolt at his little yellow ass.

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He's sporting 1hp (give or take 1) and it's looking grim. HardChi knows when to KOP. That time is at hand. Here it gets a bit complicated. As the pic shows, my second lightning was first, and actually made contact with his oversized japanese head. 1hp and a lightning bolt on his nuts, and he makes the KOP. THX OSI.




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Oh wait, SO FUCKING SOLLY    (T.T)/