The Case of the Stolen Headband

by Spleen

I'm not gonna lie, Wheez and I are big, mean bullies. When it comes to miners, we are downright evil. Here Wheez is on his new character, which is probably 4 days old. He made it with one purpose : to murder miners. His guildtitle? [n0 m1n1ng 4, j00]. I was patrolling the mines, doing my usual sheriff duties, when I notice BURAKI here has a keen green headband. I ask Wheez, in the other room, if that's HIS headband. He says no, thinking I meant he mighta lost it earlier on another char. I ask again, with the proper tone of voice, and he 'remembers'. "Oh yeah! that IS my headband!". Almost finished with the char, it's about time to take some murder hits. As you know, we take good headgear seriously, and Wheez needed a headband...

We approach BURAKI, who is just out mining, but he doesn't understand me. "hmmm that looks like yours, wheez"... He DOES understand the An Ex Por, which is all wheez said, and starts hoofing it to guards.

I block him, Wheez tags him with paras, and starts going to town on him with a halberd. I guess he doesn't think that headband belongs to Wheez. He's wrong.

BURAKI isn't a talkative guy, and neither is Wheez, who did all of his talking with a halberd. I was thinking up something to make it fun for everyone, like ask him to sing the japanese national anthem (do they have one?) in english, and he could walk. He obviously had 100 str, because he took a couple hits... Wheez figures he will wack him once more, to get his health all red, and put the fear of God in him... or Budha, or Levi's, or Pepsi, or whatever they worship over there.

It goes terribly wrong! The final hally hit accidently puts him down! CAN I GET A MEDIC??? I hear Wheez go "oops" in the other room.

Whose headband was it? Yeah, Wheezls. If he had just forked it over, all of this coulda been avoided...