Meet kiki!

by Spleen

kiki is kind of an odd guy. Smart as a whip, let me tell you. He hangs out in the mines all day, but he doesn't mine. He doesn't smith. He holds a staff, but he has no weapon skills. He can't cast, he doesn't even have scrolls. He has no music instrument to bard with. If anyone ever had 0 in all skills, it would be kiki. I'm guessing his 2 skills are arms lore, and animal lore. both at about 33 now from some instaressing. He probably made a char with that fucked up template, so for all I know he could be a warlock! or whatever that template lets you make. I do know this about him, he loves pink!

I first met kiki in the cave, after my double pack roll. He was NOT happy about that. He took it personal, VERY personal.

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He tells me what I am. I am a fuck man.

Right after I roll richs pack, B.Becks pack, and B.Beck himself, rich, kiki, and I have this unforgettable chat. I know their newbie text color is hard to read, so I will type it up.

kiki_journal.jpg (43264 bytes) <rich> i will remember you
<rich> your day is coming

<rich> spleen
<Spleen> i care
<kiki> you fuck man
<kiki> shit!
<kiki> fuck you
<kiki> shit"

<rich> he is a quir
<kiki> why killed    him?
<rich> he killed my pack horse
<rich> for now reason
<rich> and stole my gold
<rich> and he killed beth
<rich> fag

"He killed beth!!!" Only seconds before, he accuses me of killing his packhorse, then he says I killed beth! I did not kill a player named beth, his pack was named a letter, like a or b, so I have no idea who beth is, but I killed her!

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I'm on as Thief Spleen, screwing with people, and he recognizes me. He's fed up with my antics. He wants to FIGHT!!!  >_< /

In town only though. He wants me to him him right there at the bank. I don't think that would work for anyone, much less someone who co-authored the book on guardkill scams.

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It's time to enlish the help of some tuffguys at the bank! I got this pic because I was chasing someone by and saw it, snapped the pic. He assembles a crack team of experts. Two TUFF japs!! Coke (in maroon robe) and Maya (or Mara? in a pink robe with pink text) Including himself, thats an unbeatable anti-Spleen force.

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They hit the cave, and things don't go good for the J-Team!   I figure Coke would be the badass so I had him as my first target, but it turns out Maya had some badass magic war mace, and was putting some hurt on me. After healing up, I payload her, and she drops. Coke was easily dispatched then, and kiki... well... My plan for kiki was to whack him with a poison katana then follow him and watch him die of poison. The problem was, he died in 3 katana swings! I couldn't even poison him.   I imagine these two tuffies thought back to kiki, and were like "what a stupid piece of shit". They thought that in japanese I guess.

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Coke took his defeat like a man, ressed, hit the bank, and went home. Maya and kiki wouldn't have that! Here is kiki with a couple of mining friends, once again hoping to "rile me up" and get me to attack him in town. HE SURE IS CRAFTY, THAT KIKI!!!  Maya can be see up there with her pretty pink cape and d-robe. blacky can be seen in the blue robe following Wheez... we had those newbies attached to us for over an hour.