Mukky's Last Stand

by Spleen

To keep things interesting, I'm going to tell this story from Mukkys perspective, trasnslating his thoughts into English for your sake.

I'm Mukky. I'm Japanese. GOD DAMMIT I'm tough!!! I make mad cash killing shit in dungeons to get my fame and karma real gay and high, so I macroed to 100 magery easily. Because of this magery, I feel that I need a retarded and confusing guild title. Don't fuck with me. I am a bad ass.

Today I was with some of my RgO friends in delucia, and we were sitting around in front of the bank discussing what exactly "gensuifu" means, when these 2 friends of mine show up with this FPK TIKINMAN Spleen paralyzing them and whacking them with his hally. They were screaming for heals, so me and the gang thought it would be prudent to heal them 4 times every single time one of them got hit. Spleen the FPK kept getting hurt then running out of town, and my dumbass friends kept falling for it. The first one died to a hail of spells before our healer army could catch up, the second one made it back into town, only to croak to some speedy hally hit. Obviously UOE. When I saw my buddy go down, I tried to get his weaps and reags. I noticed another buddy of mine go grey! What a dumbass, looting a blue corpse! I should make sure I'm still- <teleport sound> <halberd sound> <death sound> FUCK! FUCK! VERY FUCK! God DAMMIT you dickheads, GET MY STUFF!!! HE'S LOOTING IT ALL! FUCKING RETARDS!!! Now I'm pissed. We had a team of about ten, and this cheating FPK whacks 2 of us with tons of healers, then guardkills 2. We were gonna get some REVENGE! But that didn't work out too well either, by the time I had gotten ressed, pretty much everyone was gone.

Spleen is still there... looks like another dumbass got guardkilled looting, oh and theres my tough friend on the mat right outside of town. Looks like he attacked, and Spleen ran to guards. What a CHIKEN. FUCK! I'm not LORD anymore. DAMN. Theres another 2 or 3 hours of blade spiriting shit.

I'm gonna KILL that FPK piece of shit, and I'm so damn tough I'm bringing my sexy friend RIN to heal me! magic weaps, check, poisoned weaps, check, huge sack of heal potions and g-purps, check, 124123 trapped pouches, check... Got my good looking battle clothes on, It's time to ROCK!

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Damn I look good...

There's that piece of shit FPK. I'm gonna follow him around, stand next to him, and not say a word. Yeah... I'm gonna scare him with my fucked up guildtitle and stupid tribal mask. Damn, he's got a cool robe...

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That prick is sassing me. "my items now" What a jackass. I'm gonna KICK his ass. But first, I think Umao needs some apples. I would HATE to not have Umao during a fight...

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Here's some apples Umao, lets kick this- HEY! FUCKER! WTF??? LEAVE UMAO OUT OF THIS!!!!!

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Well, he resisted all my spells, obvious exploiter!!!!! UOE!!!! I will now show him what a PvP GOD I am. I will put on my reflect item and toss upwards of 40 last target purps. Damn thats not working too well. He resisted the flamestrike... that sucks... Guess I'll medit. OUCH that fucking hally HURTS. Torgo must be an exploiter!! I'm gonna run like a bitch now, while I get mana. RIN!!!! THANK GOD YOU CAME!!! HEAL ME!! Lets GET this FPK bastard!!! RIN, he's kicking your ass! recall! whew I'm glad she made it. Now I'm gonna kick his OUCH.... Kal Ort Por....  Jesus, that cheater hits hard, and my reflect item wore out, shit. Oh well. I'm not gonna tangle with cheaters anyway. They just try to ruin the game for the rest of us.  I'm going home...

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ICQ from RIN.... shit. She recalled to the bank, he showed up there and killed her. What a CHEATER, how did he know where she would recall to?!?!? I'm calling a GM...

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Now that that's done, I'm going out there to KICK HIS ASS!!!!

Oh, there he is! Watch me rule him.... "attack me" "do it now" "come!!" I'm gonna KICK his ass!! Only if he attacks me though, of course. I will NOT go grey. I'm gonna need a shitload of blue heals once we start fighting. YES! Here comes RIN again, this time we... hey, wtf is she doing with 3 tamed hinds? all kill? those hinds aren't gonna kill him. Damn! Guess she forgot to heal, he killed her in one hit. Think of how much fame shes losing!!! There go the hinds... What a pussy, I tell him to come out here so I can kill him, and he won't even attack me. HE IS A CHIKEN!!! Why isn't the GM coming? I bet his GM friend Wheezl erased my call. I'm gonna head back to town and call another GM... Kal Ort Por