PK ?? PK !!

by Spleen

PK?? PK!! - The two most common phrases spoken by Hokutians (the yellow ones anyway). You wouldn't BELIEVE how often it is said. Someone drops something at the bank, and you pick it up? "PK!!!!!" You kill a guys pet wolf? "PK!!!!!" You loot someones corpse in a dungeon? "PK!!!!!" You steal someones monster kill, and/or loot it? "PK!!!!!" It's the universal word for "mean guy" there I guess. It works both ways, because they love ASKING if youre a PK. Guy walks up to me, I'm at half health, I'm still in combat mode, looting 3 blue corpses? "PK???" I attack some goons pack llama? "PK???" Wheezl fireballs all the newbie miners at a mining cave? "PK???" It insane. Thats why I love these pics. My personal favorite is when one jap goes "PK???" and another quickly answers "PK!!!" Ahhh, communication. Why do they need 234072340298734 letters in their alphabet, if thats all they say? Seems to me their keyboards need about 5 keys tops. Enough talk, enjoy the pics.

Here I attack a tamed llama, what does that make me? Lets ask the jury here, PK? PK!! At the time of this pic, I had killed the guy in blue (Woo) once that day, and the guy in green (nattyan) at least 4 or 5 times. He goes into combat mode all the time around me, hoping to start a gangbang. A gangbang DOES ensue later, but the guy with the red cape just hits me with an In Nox and runs for town, leaving Woo and nattyan to a horrible fate. I put them down, recall to town, and wait at the gate. As soon as he gets to town, I wack him with authoritah, and rack up some extra kills at the healers. That made me a BIG cheater too, btw. He could NOT figure out how I beat him to town. His only explanation was that I'm a GM.

I sure love this pic, It's a perfect example of what I was talking about earlier. This guy WATCHES me polish off the last japkill here with my bow, and watches me loot them. The whole time I'm hoping he would get tough and attack, but he never did. He waited until I was done, and asked if I was a PK. Is he thinking NPCs run around on ostarchs spamming japanese, and cast Corp Pors at guys in silly hats? I may never know, after I told him I wasn't a PK, he calmly walked to town. Seems to me you see a guy kill players, hes a playerkiller. Maybe he knows something I don't. Or maybe he's got the attention span of a circus monkey.